Adults cannot afford to take a threat or hint at suicide lightly. Use the following guidelines should this situation arise:
*** Inform Principal – then:
1) Remember these goals; a) evaluate the degree of imminent risk b) allow the student to share feelings c) diminish the student's sense of isolation d) build support and think of a follow-up plan.
2) Be calm, be supportive and affirm that the person has the right to share a suicidal concern.
3) Focus on hope and try to expand available options.
4) Watch for signs of serious intent.
5) Avoid being critical or judgmental.
6) Be patient.
7) Don't make promises.
8) Inform the person that the suicidal concern will be shared with the appropriate people.
9) Try to find what is driving the suicidal intent, and document when possible.
10) Always arrange for a follow-up meeting with the student.
11) Seek proper help. Parents will have to be informed.